Thursday, March 01, 2007

And You Thought We Were Bad....

A few words about true romance. We took a few days off to go to the coast, and in between sweet nothings and rain-drenched hijinks, I've had time to think about this stuff. It's all too easy to lose one's grip on the fundamentals stuff while doing the lion-tamer routine with the caterers.

Our pals Charles Mann and Shannon Grosswiler have just kicked down the door on the way to most incredibly fetching, well-matched, and funny couple ever. In honor of Shan's recent birthday celebration, Charles collected a listing of Surprising but Indisputable Facts About Shannon Grosswiler. Here are some excerpts....and boys & girls, it's all true.

Shannon Grosswiler does not sleep. She waits.

Shannon Grosswiler does not shop because the word shopping infers the probability of failure.
Shannon prefers buying.

Shannon Grosswiler counted to infinity - twice.

Shannon Grosswiler sold her soul to the devil for her amazing beauty and unparalleled singing ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Shannon roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took her soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now sing kareoke every second Wednesday of the month.

If you can see Shannon Grosswiler, she can see you. If you can't see Shannon Grosswiler you may be only seconds away from being rear-ended.

Shannon Grosswiler is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for her left and right breasts.

The chief export of Shannon Grosswiler is smiles.

Shannon Grosswiler ordered 2 double Cheeseburgers, a medium fry and a PowerAde at Taco Bell. And got them.

Shannon Grosswiler can fly, she simply chooses not to.

Superman wears Shannon Grosswiler pajamas.

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